Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Discover Ayurvedic Cure for Medial Meniscal Tear

Parijatak Offers the Best herbal Remedies for Treatment of Meniscal Tear

Human body is truly amusing. There are rubbery bands of think cartilage, which is attached to your shinbone, and they are holding your knees together, stabilizing them. The medial meiscal is actually present in the inner side of the knee and though it’s designed to absorb the shocks, it sometimes tears up when there is too much of pressure being put up on it.

Now, a tear can heal on its own with time or through a surgery if it in the in ‘red zone’. In fact, you can adopt the ayurvedic remedies to recover from it, but before that (if you haven’t consulted a doctor yet for your diagnoses), here is a simple movement test that can confirm if you have a medial meniscal tear:
  • Bend the knee you are feeling pain and stiffness in to a 90 degree angle.
  • Slowly rotate the lower part of your leg in both the inside and outside directions.
If you feel pain inside your knee while rotating your lower leg, then there are higher chances that it is a case of positive medial meniscal tear.

Some of the Ayurvedic medicines to cure medial meniscal tear

Dhanvantaram Kashayam

This medicine is prepared using more than 30 useful herbs which help in healing different parts of the body. It is recommended to consume it in the equal dosage of 60 ml before food, in the morning and at night. The other benefits of this medicine include:
  • Treats arthritis conditions like numbness, swelling and pain in hands and feel
  • Useful to cure the gynaecological diseases
  • Excellent to cure nervous diseases like facial paralysis, antarayama and palliative in paraplegia
  • Effective against problems like lower back pain
  • Helps to cure fever, indigestion, strained micturition, hydrocele and vaginal ailments
Nagaradi Lepa Chooranam

The powder is not to be consumed but is applied on the affected area by creating a paste of it. You can mix it with the hot water or tender coconut shell juice to make a thick paste that can be applied on the knees where you feel the pain. The powder is prepared by combining 7 different kinds of herbs in the specified quantities.
It has a shelf life of 6 months and it will help you heal the inflammatory swelling, ligament, tendon injury and bone.

Laksa Guggulu

The medicine comes in the form of a pill and is prepared by combining 5 different typed of herbs with guggulu. It is recommended to be consumed regularly three times a day, after the consumption of meals. It is also beneficial in the following cases:
  • To treat osteoporosis
  • To fasten the healing process from a fractured bone
  • To calm Vata, one of the Tridoshas
For any type of arthritis pain relief, Parijatak offers a complete course of treatment with the therapies, procedures, and best treatment for arthritis. The Ayurvedic Treatment Meniscus Tear Nagpur is associated with personalized care and taken care under the shelter of Parijatak.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ayurvedic Remedies for Frozen Shoulder

Parijatak is there to Naturally Release the Pain of Frozen Shoulder

Isn’t it annoying when you suddenly start feeling discomfort or soreness in your neck while trying to move it? Well, that might be because of the frozen shoulder and you certainly would want to get rid of it as soon as possible. So, what do you do about it?

You do not necessarily need to rush to a doctor and if you do not have time and you are planning to visit a doctor later, you can do many things to relieve yourself from the discomfort in the meantime or at least lessen it a bit. Now it could be because of any reason – sleeping in an uncomfortable position, sitting on a desk with poor ergonomics, sprain and strain in your neck or lack of moment for too long. The causes could be nominal and you might just be able to treat them at home with the ayurvedic cure for frozen shoulder.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Frozen Shoulder


There are many types of yoga and exercises that you can do on regular basis to ensure improved blood circulation within the body. It is recommended that you begin with some light and soft exercises like rotate your shoulder to warm it up a bit before you move to the yoga. Here are some of the recommended yoga asanas to treat your frozen shoulder:
  • Pashasana
  • Surya Namaskara
  • Gomukhasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Adhomukha Shwanasana
  • Ushtrasana
Warm Fomentation

By putting something warm around the sore area or massaging it with warm water bag to facilitate some moment in the shoulder. Warm Epsom salt water is the best for this purpose as it provides some quick relief.

Dietary Supplements

There are certainly supplements that you can take in order to fasten your recovery period along with the medicines. Turmeric and alfalfa are the most common supplements, which would help you, repair the tissues and the shoulder while relieving some of the swelling in that area. Some of the oral ayurvedic medicines for frozen shoulder that you can take are:
  • Lasunadi Rasayana
  • Varunadi Kwatha
  • Simhanada Guggulu
  • Shilajatu Vati
  • Yogaraja Gulgulu
  • Dashamoolarishta
Controlling Body Sugar Level

If the blood sugar level in your body will increase then it will affect the nerve conductivity and hence cause more stiffness in your shoulder muscles. Thus, you need to ensure that your blood sugar levels are in control all the time and consuming Amalaki and Haridra powder can help you maintain it.

Oil Massage

Heat the oils a bit before massaging and it would be best with the massage is followed by a hot water bath. Usually it is recommended to get the steam therapy after the massage and before getting in the hot water tub to relieve the stiffness in the muscles. The ayurvedic oils recommended to be used are:
  • Dhanwantara Tails
  • Prasanranyadi Taila
  • Vishagarbha Taila
Further to these herbal remedies for treatment of frozen shoulder, Parijatak in Nagpur puts forth effective natural cure to help treat the condition.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Arthritis – Know the Ayurvedic Approach

Get connected to Parijatak for Best Arthritis Treatment Nagpur

Arthritis is a joint disorder that causes pain and inflammation in one or more joints in the body. With more than 200 types of arthritis identified and the number is growing, there are some common symptoms and treatments that can be used to identify and treat the condition, respectively.

The most commonly diagnosed types of arthritis include:

·         Osteoarthritis – It occurs when the flexible tissues at the end of the bones tear down, causing the pain when there is friction among the bones.
·         Rheumatoid Arthritis – It typical cause pain in the joints throughout the body, specifically those in hands and feet.

There could be in numerous causes that could cause this condition and they all vary depending on the type of arthritis. However, some of the common causes are:

·         Physical injury in the area near joints
·         Abnormalities in metabolism
·         Viral or bacterial infection causing direct or indirect effect on joints and bones
·         Hereditary factors
·         Misdirected or weak immune system with autoimmunity

What are the Symptoms of Arthritis

Though the symptoms of arthritis take time to appear, they are easier to treat if detected at an earlier stage. If you experience the combination of two or more of the symptoms, then it is recommended that you consult a doctor and get the necessary medical tests done. Some of the commonly experienced symptoms for all kinds of arthritis include:

·         Joint pains      
·         Redness in the area near joints
·         Stiffness in joints
·         Weakness in body
·         Loss of range of motion in the joints
·         Joint swelling
·         Burning sensation in the joints
·         Warm feeling in the area near joints
·         Limping
·         Occasional fever
·         Unexplained weight loss
·         Heavy fatigue
·         Swelling in lymph nodes

According to the ayurveda, few slight alterations in your lifestyle and diet intake while keeping a check on few dietary and lifestyle habits can work as best arthritis pain relief measures to help you control the causes and symptoms of Arthritis and maintain your health.
There are no specific food items recommended for the treatment of arthritis yet there are some like whole grains, fish, olive oil, beans, leafy vegetables and nuts that work wonders to as a measure to prevent the causes of arthritis.

Self Management & Lifestyle Tips

Bringing just a bit of disciple in your lifestyle and keeping in consideration the following tips can help you relive the symptoms of Arthritis in the long run:
·         Keep a check on your weight
·         Remain physically active
·         Put in efforts to improve the quality of your sleep
·         Try warm water therapy as it relives the pressure from muscles and joints
·         Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking

You should understand that some types of arthritis are curable while some are just curable, and the ayurvedicmedicine for arthritis will help you in both without causing any side effects. Come to Parijatak, a wellness resort in Nagpur, for the best treatment for arthritis to get effective solutions to your pain and discomfort caused due to arthritis.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The A-Z Guide to Ishvari Plant

 Botanical Name :AristolochiaIndicalinn.

·        Classification:

§  According To Modern

o   Kingdom –Plantae

o   Order –Piperales

o   Family     –Aristolochiaceae

§  According To Ayurveda

  • Charak- Not Classified in VArga
  • Sushruta- Not Classified in Gana
  • Bhavprakash- HaritakyadiVarga

§  Other Names :

Siddha name: Adagam
Hindi name: Isharmul, Isarmul, Hooka bel
English name: Indian Birthwort, Snake root
Arabic name: Zaravande
Assamese name: Jarvande
Bengali name: Ishormul, Isheri
Gujarati name: Sapsan, Ruhimula, Iswarimool
Kannada name: IshwariBeru, ToppaluKonkani name: Sapsikaddul
Marathi name: Sapasan
Malayalam name: Garudakkoti, Garudakkodi, Karaleyan, Cheriyaarayan
Oriya name: Gopikaron
Sinhalese name: Sapsanda
Tamil name: Adagam, Isadesatti, Isura, Isuramuli, lyavari, Karudakkodi, Kirttikkodi, Neya, Perumarindu, Perumaruntu, Perunkilangu, Sarsugadi, Talaichuruli
Telugu name: Ishveraveru, Esvaraveru
Urdu name: Zarawand Hindi


  • General Information :
Habit – perennial Climber, stem- Greenish and woody. Leaves – simple, variable in size and shape . Usually obovate to oblong shaped. Tip is acuminate. Inflorescence- Axillary raceme and very few flowers in one inflorescence. Fruit- Capsule, oblong , globose- oblong,3 to 5 cm long. Seeds are ovate shaped, flat and winged.
  • Properties (Gunadharma)
    • Rasa-Tikta
    • Vipak- Katu
    • Virya- Ushna
    • Guna-Laghu, Rooksha
  • Specific Parts
Root, Leaf, Seed
  • Doshaghnata
  • Shloka’s
नाकुली तुवरा तिक्ता कटुकोष्णा नियच्छती ।
भोगीलूतावृश्र्चीकाखुविषज्वर कृमीव्रनान ।।
Internal – 

By its deepana, anulomana, shoolaprashamana and krimighnagunas , it is used in agnimandya, vishtambha, udarashoola, krimi , vishoochika and in children at the time of dentition.It is hridayottejak, shothahara and raktashodhana in  nature hence it is used in hriddaurbalyajashotha, amavata and sandhivata and in raktadushtijanyavikara. Being kaphanissarakapatrasvarasa is given in children in pratishyaya and kasa to expel phlegm through vomitus.

it is used as garbhashayashodhana as it has property of garbhashaysankochan .For this it is used along with pimpalmoola in sakashtaprasuti. In anattava, vishamajvara and in sarpa- vrishchika and mooshakavishabadha as vamana.
The powder of the seed of Ishwari is mixed with warm water and applied over joints to reduce pain and inflammation.

Cough :

roots  powder of Ishavari  Mix equal quantity of honey. Take  itonce in a day.

Dysmenorrhoea– Cold infusion from the root of the plant is given in a dose of 40-50 ml to treat dysmenorrhea and difficulty in labor.

Leprosy :
Ishavari root powder with honey is used in leprosy . Dose-one spoon daily

Fever :

Make a root powder of ishavari .take  one teaspoon with warm water . have it once daily.
The powdered root of Ishwari is given with honey in a dose of 3 g fordropsy, leukoderma, tonsillitis and chronic dyspepsia.
  • Formulation (Kalp)
Kapha-Vatasamaka, Vatahara, kaphahara
  • Dosage
MulaChoorna – (Root Powder) 1 to 3 gm.
Partaswara (Leaf Juice ) – 5 to 10 ml.
  • Home remedies :
Sarpa (Visa)
In snake bite, after letting the blood one should apply the paste prepared from Carati and Nakuli (Aristolochiaindica).
  • Research Corner :
A study is done to investigate the effect of ethanolic extract (E+AI) and aqueous extract (AqAI) of Aristolochiaindica Linn roots on Castor oil-induced diarrhea and study on small intestinal transit. Among tested doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg.body weight, the extracts reduced the frequency and severity of diarrhea in test animals throughout the study period, the extract delayed the intestinal transit of charcoal meal in test animals as compared to the control and results were statistically significant.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Why You Really Need Parushaka Herb

Botanical Name :Grewiaasiatica Linn.


According To Modern

Kingdom –Plantae
Order –Malvales
Family     – Tiliaceae

According To Ayurveda

Charak- Jwaraharavarga, Sramaharavarga, Virecanopagavarga
Sushruta-   ParusakadiGana
Vagbhata-Parushakadi Gana
Bhavprakash- AmradiPhalavarga,Poorva khanda,Mishra Prakarana
Raja Nighantu-Amrai Varga

Other Names :
Hindi name- Phalsa, Falsa
Tamil name- Palisa
Telugu name- Chitteeta
English name – Phasla fruit
Synonyms- Alpasthi, Paraoaram
Sindhi name – Pharwa

General Information :

Habit –  shrub or a small tree. Branches – young parts are stellately pubescent. Leaves – Simple, 7 to 17 cm long, 6 to 12 cm wide, ovate or suborbicular, acute or subacuminate or cuspidate, sharpely and often coarsely doubly serrate. Petiole 1 cm long, thickened at the top. Flowers- large, petals are Yellow in colour. Fruits – globose, Red in colour, 6 to 8 mm in diameter.

Properties (Gunadharma)

Rasa- Madhura, Amla, kasaya
Vipak- Madhura
Virya- Sheeta
Guna-Laghu, Snigdha

Specific Parts :

Fruit, Stem bark
Doshaghnata :

Vata-Pittaghna, Kaphavardhak.

Shloka’s :
परूषकं कषायाम्लमासं पित्तकर लघु l l
तत्पक्कं मधुरं पाके शीतं विष्टम्भी बृहंनम l
ह्रद्यन्तु पित्तदाहस्त्रज्वरक्षयसमीरह्रत l l  भा प्र
परुषमम्लं कटूकं कफार्तीजीव्डतापहंतत्फलमेव पित्तदम् l
सोष्णच्च पक्वं मधुरं रुचीप्रदं पित्तापहं शोफहरच्च पीतम् l l राज नि

Benefits :

Raw fruit of parushak is given in agnimandya, atisara and pravahika.
While ripe fruit of parushak is useful in thirst and also alongwithvamana and virechanadravyas.
Bark decoction should be given in amavata.

Paittikamadatyaya (Alcoholism caused by pitta dosa)

Same quantity of Parushaka(grewiaasiatica),draksa (Vitisvinifera), amalaki ( Phyllanthusemblica),  kharjura (Phoenix dactylifera)  is taken and juice is prepared.This juice is beneficial in Pittikamadatyaya (Alcoholism caused by pitta dosa).

·         Juice of Parushaka helps to fight against cancer and sun radiation.

·          Parushaka is very good as a  blood purifier hence it is used in  treatment of respiratory inflammation, fever, heart diseases, blood pressure and heart beat normalization.

·         It is good for skin problems acne and skin blemish.

·         Parushakasharabatis  beneficial for curing Sour throat, asthma, Headache, Vomiting & Nausea, and heartburn.

Parushakasharabat also relieves urinary problems like burning
The juice of Parushaka is beneficial in relieving digestive problems like excess acidity and indigestion.

The infusion of the bark is used to treat diarrhoea.
Parushaka leaves paste  cures skin infections like eczema and eruptions and heals wounds.
The fruit relieves liver and gall bladder problems, regulates blood pressure and cholesterol.
The seeds are used to treat gonorrhoea and fertility problems.

It protects from sunstroke, cures anaemia.
falsa leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases.( Ref-Journal Ethnobotany Research and Application)

The leaves are said to have a mild antibiotic effect.
Soaked overnight and made into a paste, they are said to relieve inflammations of the skin including cuts, burns, boils, eczema, and pustular skin eruptions.

Panchasara Panaka-It is preapred with falsa,mannuka and Madhuka.It is advisiable in heartburn and excessive thirst.It is also a best aphrodisiac.
Phalasa fruit  is also advisiable in body tissue depletion (Dhatu kshaya),and Tuberculosis.
Phalasa fruit is good for gaining the weight.
Gargling of Decoction of Phalsa fruit is advisiable in diseases of oral cavity.
Powder of root bark of Phalsa gives relief in pain and inlammation.
20-30ml of Phalasa juice with rose water and sugar is advisiable in stomach pain,nausea and vomitting.
Phalsa juice with Adraka swarasa and saindhav lavana is given in respiratory tract infection and hiccups.
The bark infusion of phalasa is advisiable in Rheumatis and Arthritis.

Formulation (Kalp):
Name                          Indication ParusakaGhrita           Vatarakta
ParusakadiKwatha      Jwara
KrakasadiKwatha       Raktapitta

Dosage :

            Swaras (Juice) – 20 to 30 ml

Research Corner :
The present study demonstrates the analgesic and anti-inflammatory acidity of root bark of G. asiatica in rodents. The extracts showed a significant inhibition of writhing response and increase in hot the plate reaction time and also caused a decrease in paw oedema.

A-Z Guide to Poothia Herb

Botanical Name :Menthaspicata. Linn. Emend, Nethn.


According To Modern
Kingdom –Plantae
Order –Lamiales
Family     – Lamiaceae

According To Ayurveda
Charak-     Not included in Varga
Sushruta-   Not included in Gana
Bhavprakash- Anekaryanam Varga
Nighantu Adarsha-Putikaranjadi Varga
Dhanavantari Nighantu-Suvarnadi Varga.

Other Names :

Arabic – Phujanaj
Bengali name – Pudina
Burmese name – Bhudina
Canada – Chetni-maruga
Hindi – Podina
Malayalam – Putina
Marathi name – Pudina
Sanskrit Synonyms-
Rochani-Improves the taste perception
Pahari-Grow in cool climate of hills

General Information :

Habit – Perennial glabrous strong scented herb. Leaves – Simple, 2.5 to 10 cm long, coarsely serrate, smooth above, sparingly hairy on the nerves below, ovate, or oblong-lanceolate, upper leaves are smaller. Flowers – Sparingly hispid, Calyx is red in colour.

Properties (Gunadharma)
Rasa- Katu
Vipak- Katu
Virya- Ushna
Guna-Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna

Specific Parts :
Types Of plant :

MenthaLongifolia and M. arvenis are also used as Pootika.
Doshaghnata :

Kapha- Vatashamak.
Shloka’s :
पुतिहा कटुरुष्णश्र्च रोचनो दिपनो लघु:│
हन्ति वातकफाध्मान शूलच्छर्दीकृर्मीस्तथा ││
रोचनी वह्रिजननी वक्त्रजाड्यनिशूदनी |
कफवातहरी बल्या चर्द्यर्ह्रोचकवारिणी॥      ( आ. वि)

Benefits :

External Application-
External application of leaves paste over skin gives relieve from itching and wound with the pus.
External application of leaves paste of pudina is also recommanded in joints pain and swollen joints as it gives relief from pain and inflammation.
For oily skin-External application of leaves paste of pudina with curd and oatmeal is adviciable.
External application of equal quantity of Pudina oil and coconut oil over the chest ,nose and neck region gives good results in chocked nose and sinus.

  Agnimandya (Loss of Appetite)

The Arka (Distillation) prepared from juices of Pudina (Menthapiperata),Ardraka (Zingiberofficinale). Nimbuka (Citrus limon) &Kumari(Aloe vera). thisArka is taken with Jiraka (Cuminumcyminum), Twak (Cinnamomumzeylanicum), Patra (Cinnamomumtamala) and Ela (Elattariacardamomum) in agnimandya.

Krimi (Worm infestation)

The juice prepared from leaves of Putiha (Menthapiperata) is given along with Adraka Rasa (Ginger Juice) and Saindhavalavana (Rock salt) in krimi associated with pain in abdomen.
Putiha oil 3 drops with hot water is given in indigestion and relive colic pain.
Phant of pudina leaves is given in dysmenorrhea and fever.Dose-30-40ml
Pudina leaves swaras is given with honey to relieve cough and sore throat.Dose-5-10ml.
Gargling is done by adding fresh juice of the leaf of Pudina with water to relieve bad odor from the mouth and treat inflammation of the gums.
Pudina leaves paste is given with first morsel of food to treat intestinal worms.
Fresh juice of Pudina leaves in a dose of 5-10ml with honey is given n conditions like cough and sore throat.
Tea of pudina leaves with black pepper and raw salt is used in the treatment of cold ,cough and fever
Hima kalpana of Pudina leaves in a dose of 30-40ml is given in dysmenorrhoea and fever.
Leaf Extract of Pudina is given in  abdomen bloating.
Dose-1-3 drops
Juice of fresh leaves of Pudina is given to treat the nausea and vomiting.
Application of Pudina leaves paste with Multani mitti shows good results in wrinkles.
Local application of pudina extract is advisiable in scorpion bite and honey bee bite.
Instillation of Juice of onion with juice of pudina  in to nasal passage is recommanded in nasal bleeding.
Paste of Pudina leaves with honey ,thrice in a day is advisiable in diarrhoea.
Add 7-10 drops of pudina extract in bath water.It releves your stress and tiredness.

Formulation (Kalp):

Name                          Indication
PudinaArka                  Agnimandya, Chardi
Dosage :
Svarasa – 5 to 10 ml.
Taila – 2 to 5 drops.
Phanta – 20 to 40 ml.
Adverse Effect-
In some people,Pudina may cause allergic reactions and produced symptoms like- abdominal cramps,diarrhea,headaches,buning sensation in heart,numbness and tingling near mouth region and contact dermititis
Research Corner :
The study done to elucidate M. piperita’s anti-Candida activity and mode of action. The MIC value ot mint Essential oil, carvone, menthol, and menthone was 225, 248, 500, and 4200 ug/ml , respectively, At their respective MICs these compounds showed 47,42,35, and 29% decrease in PM-ATPase activity besides showing synergy with FLC. In case of FLC- resistant strains , the decrease in H(+) efflux was by 52,48,32, and 30%, a trend similar to the susceptible in the ergosterol content, cell membrane breakage, and alterations in morphology

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Botanical Name : Aerva lanata Juss.

·         Classification:

§  According To Modern

o   Kingdom – Plantae

o   Order – Caryophyllales

o   Family – Amaranthaceae

§  According To Ayurveda

  • Charak- Not classified in Varga
  • Sushruta-Not classified in gana
  • Bhavprakash- not classified in varga

§  Other Names

Hindi name: Gorakhbuti or Kapuri jadi, Gorakshaganja, Gorkhabundi, Kapurijidi, chaya.
English name: Mountain knot grass
Bengali name: Chaya
Kannada name: Bilesuli, Bilihindi soppu
Malayalam name: Cherula, Cerula, Ceruvuta
Marathi name: Kapuri-madhura, Kapurmadhura, Kumrapindi , Kapurphuti
Punjabi name: Bui-kaltan (flowers as sold in bazaars)
Tamil name: Sirru -pulay –vayr, Cerupulai, Poolai
Telugu name: Pindi-kura, Pindi-chettu, Pindiuttu, Kondapindichettu
Gujarathi name – Bur, Kapurimadhuri
Assamese name – Bameha
Spanish name- Sanguinaria de cuba
Deccan name – Khul-Khul
Mundari- Cauliara
Sind- Bui
Trans- Indus-Azmei
Punjab- Baikallau,

  • General Information :
Habit- Annual herb, Root- tap root and branched , stem- herbaceous, green, white-tomentose, divided into nodes and internodes. Leaf- simple, exstipulate, alternate, ovate, entire, rounded to acute with a short micro, unicostate reticulate venation. Inflorescence- axillary, dense and compact spike. Flowers- minute, actinomorphic and bisexual, fruits- a one- seeded pyxis seed, with tough, shinuy testa and embryo curved.
  • Properties (Gunadharma):
    • Rasa –Tikta, Kashaya
    • Vipak-Katu
    • Virya –Ushna
    • Guna –Laghu, Teekshna
  • Specific Parts:
  • Doshaghnata:
Kapha, vataghna
  • Shlok:
गोरक्षगत्र्जा तुवरासतिक्ता लघ्वी च तीक्ष्णा परमोष्णवीर्या Ι 
कफर्तीह्रत मूत्रवीरेचनिया प्रभावतोप्यष्मरिनाशनी स्यात ΙΙ 
It is useful in sashmari and mootrakrichchhra being ashmaribhedana and mootrala, it is known as pashanabheda in south india and its ashmarighna action is well experienced.
The decoction of the root of Aerva lanata is given in a dose of 50-60 ml to treat renal calculi and retention of urine.
Cold infusion of the whole plant is given in a dose of 30-40 ml to treat cough and sore throat.

Asmari ( urinary Calculus )

Kwatha (Decoction ) of Goraksaganja (Aerva lanata) to be taken internally thrice a day will dissolove the stone and clears the Urinary tract.

Tamaka swasa (Asthma )

In case of tamaka swasa ( Asthma ) the dried leaves and flowers of goraksa ganja ( Aerva lanata ) are used to Dhumapana to smoke )
  • Chemical Composition:
The plant contains palmitic acid, beta-sitosterol and alpha-amyrin. The flowering and fruiting parts contained hemicellulose, starch an acid- soluble polysaccharide & H2o soluble polysaccharides, monosaccharide contents of polysaccharides determined.
  • Research corner :
A study is done to analyze the phytochemical composition and in vitro antioxidant properties of aqueous extract of Aerva lanata stem. The results showed that Aerva lanata has phenolic compounds, saponins , flavonoides, tannins and phytosterols as major phytochemical groups. The plant possesses high antioxidant activity.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Why You Really Need Nili Plant

Botanical Name :indigoferatinctoria Linn.


According To Modern

Kingdom –Plantae
Order  –  Rosales
Family     –Papilionaceae

According To Ayurveda

Charak-   VirecanaDravya
Sushruta-   AdhobhagaharaDravya
Bhavprakash- GuducyadiVarga

Other Names :

Tamil: Aviri, Nili
Assamese: Nilbam , Bengali: Nil
English: Indigo, Indian indigo
Gujrati: Gali, Gari, Nil
Hindi: Nili
Kannada: Karunili, Neeligida, Malayalam:  Nilam, Amari
Marathi: Neel
Oriya: Nili, Nila
Punjabi: Neel
Sanskrit: Nili, Nilika, Nilini, Rangapatri
Telugu: NiliChettu, Nili, Aviri

General Information :

Habit- A branching shrub grows up to 7 ft. in height. Leaves- Compound, 7 to 13 pairs of leaflets, green when fresh and grayish black on drying. Inflorescences- Lax spicate raceme Flowers- Red or pink, Fruit- Cylindric pods, pale greenish grey when yound and dark brown or ripening with 10 to 12 seeds.

Properties (Gunadharma)

Rasa- Tikta
Vipak- Katu
Virya- Ushna
Guna-Laghu, Ruksha

Specific Parts :
Panchanga (Whole Plant), Leaf, Root, Fruits.

Doshaghnata :

Benefits :

            Internal application:
Used in vibandha, udavarta, yakritpleehavriddhi, jalodara, and in krimis as virechana, yakritottejana, shoolaprashamana and krimighna. In hriddrava, vatarakta, raktadushti, shotha and amavata as hridya, raktaprasadana, and shothhara.In kasa-shvasa as Kaphaghna. It is also useful in ashmari and mootrakrichchhra.
50 ml. of svarasa mixed with equal amount of milk should be pratibandhak also. Given with maricha it acts as kushthaghna and vishamajvaraghna.

For Glowing Skin:

Take some Indigo leaves and mash them and put them in boiling water. Extract the boiled leaves and apply on any part of the skin. Massage it on to the skin for some time to get glowing skin. Also small spots and boils on the skin will disappear.

For Sores, Ringworm, Blisters:

Get some Indigo leaves, dry them and powder them. Mix this powder with some sesame oil and apply on infected area. It will cure sores, ring worm and blisters.

For Hair rejuvenation:

Get some Indigo leaves, dry them and powder them. Mix this powder with some sesame oil and apply on scalp. Soon hair will grow strong and healthy.

For removing Worms in Teeth and Gums:

Obtain Indigo leaves and crush them to a juice. To this add cinnamon stick oil. Dip a cotton ball in this oily juice and put beneath the infected tooth to get rid of worms. Do this at least 3 times.

For Sores on skin:

Crush Indigo plant roots into a paste. Apply this on the sores that are secreting puss. Doing this regularly will cure painful sores.

For Insects in Ear:

Sometimes insects enter our ear when we are sleeping or riding a bike. Neither can we remove them with our hands nor leave it alone.
Take Indigo plant roots and Gigantic swallow wart tree root. Wash some rice and pour the water in a vessel. Using this rice washed water grind the above roots. To this add equal quantity of sesame seeds oil. Heat this root paste oil mix on a stove. Put 4 to 5 drops of this lukewarm oil in the ear. This will kill all insects in the ear.

For Black Hair and Hair fall:

Obtain Indigo leaves and crush them to a juice. To this add equal quantity of black Sesame seeds oil. Put this mix on a stove and warm on a slow flame, till only oil remains. Remove and let it cool. Store in a glass bottle. Apply this oil daily on the scalp and hair. It will stop graying hair and restore black hair. Also hair will grow once again.
NeeliBhringaraj Oil made with mixture of Indigo leaves and Eclipta Alba (Bhringaraj) leaves boiled in sesame oil will also help restoring natural color of hair and prevent premature greying.

For Dog bite:

We all have at one time or another experienced being chased by rabid dogs. Many times we get away, but if not the mad dog bite can cause rabies. Indigo is an excellent remedy for this. Take some fresh Indigo leaves and crush them to a juice. Drink 10 grams of this juice everyday on empty stomach. Do this for 4 day. Also wash the bite wound with hot water and lemon juice. Then apply crushed Indigo leaf paste on the wound and bandage it. Doing this for 4 day will remove the mad dog bite poison. The indigo leaf juice is bitter in taste and some people may experience giddiness. It is normal and nothing to worry.

Formulation (Kalp): 

Name                          Indication
Nilinyadighrita            Palitya
NilibhringadiTaila       Kesavikara
Nilinyadichoorna         Palitya, Khalitya

Dosage :
Quatha – 40 to 80 ml.
Home remedies:
In case of  ksaya (Wasting) one has to take root powder of Nili (Indigoferatinctoria) with milk.

Pakwasayagata visa (Poison accumulated in Large intestine)
Intake of fruit of Nilini (Indigoferatinctoria) with ghee as  a purgative  is beneficial in case of Pakwasayagata visa.
Research Corner :
A study done to compare and elucidate the antioxidant efficacy of ethanolic and hydroethanolicextracs of Indigoferatinctoria Linn.Hydroethanolicextracts  showed considerably more potent antioxidant activity in comparison to ethanol extracts. Hydroethanolic extracts had lower IC 50 values than ethanol extracts in the case of DPPH, metal chelation and hydroxyl radical-scavenging capacity (829,659 and 26.7 lag/mL) but had slightly higher values than ethanol in case in of S02- and N02- scavenging activity(P>0.001 vs standard).

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Get to Know the Spinal Cord Injury Treatment in Ayurveda at Parijatak

The Spine or the Backbone is a flexible yet sensitive organ of the human body divided into three sections; the cervical, the thoracic, and the lumbar with each section being composed of individual bones called vertebrae. The Cervical Spine is the neck region of the human body that houses the spinal cord, the thoracic is the upper back and abdomen region and the lumbar is the lower back region from where the spine takes an inward curve back to the abdomen.

All the three sections of the spine work collaboratively to play important functions like controlling the movement of human body, supporting the entire posture and facilitating blood flow to the brain. It also protects the spinal cord that further connects the brain with the body while coordinating uniformity with various other organs and controlling the functions of every cell and tissue of the body. Controlling all the significant functionalities of human body, a slight injury of the spine leads to major issues while impairing the life an individual.

To keep the spine in a healthy functioning state it is important to know the spine conditions and learn the causes so that a well-planned treatment can be executed.

Types of Spinal Conditions

There are abundant of spinal conditions that lead to a painful life. Some of the most serious ones include cervical radiculopathy and spondylolisthesis, each with different symptoms, causes and preventive measures. In addition, there are various other disorders like severe back pain, sciatica, spinal arthritis, lumbar disk rupture, cervical arthritis, compression fracture, scoliosis and kyphosis.

Possible Causes of Spinal Problems

There are many causes of spine problems that induce severe back pain and many other connected medical issues. Some of the most common causes are:

·         Lifting heavy objects lead to strained muscles or ligaments
·         Any sort of muscle tension or over stretching
·         Long driving period
·         Long working hours without optimal back support
·         Purposely making an awkward movement
·         Ruptured or bulging disk
·         Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis can also lead to spine problems
·         Any sort of infection in the kidney or the urinary bladder
·         Strenuous physical workout

Ayurveda and Spine Care

Spine injury treatment in India is quite advanced and people from across the globe visit India for economical treatment. There are many reputed orthopedic surgeons specializing in spinal surgery who use the most innovative medical instruments with their expertise to treat spinal conditions. Taking a slight deviation from this surgical measure, Ayurveda had defined the most secure and successful alternative to spine treatment without surgery India.

According to Ayurveda, the human body comprises of 72000 channels divided into left (Ida), right (Pingala) and central (Sushmana) channels or ‘Nadis’ used for transferring energy (Prana) within the body. The central or the sushmana nadi being the centre of the spine controls the major transfer of energy and any obstruction in this channel induces pain in the spine.

We at Parijatak, provide various Ayurvedic Treatment Spine Care Injury that includes therapies like Pathrapotalaswedam, Choornawsedam, Greevavasthy, Pichu and Pizhichil that work towards relieving the inflammatory changes and removing the root causes of the disorder. Furthermore, there are many ayurvedic medicines for back pain, sciatica, neck pain, spondylosis and joint pain treatment in Ayurveda.