Jalukavacharana/Leech Therapy
Letting of Impure blood from body by Leech is called as Jalukavacharan.
How they reacts?
Leeches secretes peptides, protein &hirsudin its salving which are anticoagulant in nature.
Improves the blood circulation & Prevents tissue death.
Anti-inflammatory – Reduces Swelling.
Promote healing process.
Reduces pain significantly.
Antibacterial in nature.
Their saliva has over 100 bioactive substances.Out of which one is hirudin which acts as an anticoagulant agent.
Another is calin which inhibit the blood coagulation.
Acetylcholine, histamine like substance as well as carboxypeptidase
A inhibiter helps in vasodilation .Hence it is significantly used in
cardiovascular diseases for curative and prevention basis
The word lekhana- Means ‘Lekhanaan Patikaranam’
Means scarifying helps in reducing fat.
The dravyas used in the preparation of lekhanavasti are-katu,
tikta,Kashayaasa, Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna, Ushnavarya, katuvipakalekhana,
Kaphavatahara, deepampachana&strotoshodhaka.
Dravya of lekhanavasti Performs shodhana by means of penetration in
to deeperdhatus& corrects the dhatavagni which helps in reducing
Obesity means- Excessive deposition of fat in body.
Due to this gunas it removes abhisyavada from strotas& absorbs excessive kleda from body which helps in less fat deposition.
Ayurvedic Treatment Spondylosis
Spondylosis is a general term for degenerative arthritic changes of
the spine, or more simply arthritis. Most degenerative changes of the
spine are part of the normal aging process, much like developing gray
hair. Everyone is expected to have some evidence of spondylosis as they
get older. Many times, patients who have spondylosis on imaging studies
do not have any symptoms. In fact, more than 90% of adults over 65 show
signs of arthritis on neck x-rays. These degenerative changes most
commonly occur at the vertebral body and openings for nerve roots. If
arthritis occurs at the facet joints, this is referred to as facet
Causes Of Spondylosis-
While we generally think of arthritis as age-related, these changes
can occur at any age. Heavy labor jobs, high impact sports, previous
neck or back injuries may all contribute to accelerated arthritis. There
appears to be a strong genetic component to arthritis and we know
that smoking quickly accelerates the degenerative process in the spine.
As we age, the bones and cartilage that create our spine develop wear
and tear. Vertebral discs become dehydrated and lose height, spinal
ligaments lose elasticity and stiffen, and bone spurs occur to try to
stabilize the spine. As the vertebral disc loses hydration and decreases
in size, the vertebral bones become closer together, narrowing the
space for the nerves to exit the spine. Our body attempts to repair the
loss of vertebral disc height by creating bone spurs.
Symptoms Of Spondylosis
Many people with arthritic changes will describe stiffness or
localized aching at the involved area. People may have difficulty
turning or bending their neck. Specific movements, including physical
activity or prolonged positioning, may exacerbate pain. Headaches may
originate in the neck. Crepitus or a grinding noise may be heard with
movement. Symptoms tend to improve with rest and are worst in the
morning and at the end of the day.
In severe cases, arthritic changes may place pressure on a nerve
root, pinching that nerve and causing pain, sensation changes or
weakness in that root. Pinching of the nerve is called radiculopathy.
If nerves are involved, people may sense radiculopathy as altered
changes in their arms or legs depending on the location of the
spondylosis. Degenerative changes can cause spinal stenosis and apply
pressure on the spinal cord. When the spinal cord senses pressure on it,
it may cause myelopathy: a wide variety of vague symptoms characterized
by global weakness, gait dysfunction, loss of balance, sensory changes
in the hands and feet, and loss of bowel and/or bladder control. Ayurvedic TreatmentSpondylosis Diagnosis
Diagnosis of lumbar spondylosis consists of a physical examination,
neurological examination (to assess sensation and motor function),
imaging studies (such as x-rays, CT scan, or MRI).
X-ray studies demonstrate much of the characteristic appearance of
spondylosis narrowing of the intervebral disc space and the neural
foramina (bony canals by which the spinal nerves exit the vertebral
column). Also visible is the presence of osteoarthritis and the
formation of osteophytes (small bone spurs) on areas of the vertebrae
adjacent to the discs and in the area of the facet joints.
Soft tissue injuries such as herniated disc and nerve root
impingement are best seen with advanced imaging modalities, such as
computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and
myelography. Ayurveda Management
Pain, tingling sensation, numbness, stiffness of the spine are major
symptoms of Lumbar spondylosis which is predominantly due to vitiated
Vatha dosha. According to Ayurveda, Lumbar Spondylosis can be correlated
to Kati Vata (one of the Sandhigata Vata) and back pain to Katishula or Prishta shula or Kati graha or Trika shulaor Trika graha.
Treatment in Ayurveda for Lumbar spondylosis is to bring the vitiated ‘Vata dosha‘ back to the state of equilibrium and thereby to the state of health.
The treatment modalities for treating this condition include
Panchakarma & Rejuvenation therapies, internal medications, diet and
lifestyle changes.
Therapies like Dhanyamladhara, Abhyanga swedam, Elakizhi,
Sarvangadhara, Vasti, kati vasti, Navarakizhi are commonly done
according to the severity of illness.
At PARIJATAK AYURVEDA, therapies are customized and are done
dedicatedly to achieve the maximum success rate. Duration of the
treatment may range from 4 – 6 week for ayurvedic treatment spodylosis.
This is a disorder in which the discs & vertebrae in the neck
degenerate and so has a pulling pressure on the spinal cord in the neck. Causes
With aging the bone of the spine overgrows and narrows the spinal
canal in the neck. As a result the spinal cord or the spinal nerve roots
are compressed causing dysfunction.
Cervical degeneration is commonly seen after thirty years of age.
The characteristic clinical features are shooting pain and weakness.
Leg movements may become jerky or spastic in advanced stages.
Parasthesla is also seen
In acute herniated cervical disc problem there will be pain and restricted movements and pain gets aggravated on movement
Treatment principle
Joints are the seat of kapha.
It is a vata kapha problem
The treatment management differs in acute cervical prolapse (avarana) and in degeneration (dhatu ksaya).
Treatment in acute phase The acute herniated cervical disc should be visualized as
kaphavruta vata, asayapakarsya gati and chronic degeneration should be
visualized as dhatuksaya. Hence the treatment is done accordingly. Medicines-
Rasnasapthakam kasayam –
Astavargam –
Rasna pancakam –
Rasna suntiyadi –
Maharasnadi –
Asvagandha curnam
Bala curnam
Kapikaccu curnam –
Aba guggulu –
Rasnaguggulu –
Yogarajaguggulu –
Taila snehapanam
Karpasastyadi tailam –
Prasasranyadi tailam –
Dhanvantaram –
Lepam (kapha/ vatahara/ usna)
Apply the warm paste of kottancuckkadi curnam or Rasnadi curnam or
Nagaradi curnam or Kolakulatthadi curnam with tamarind juice and little
vinegar in cervical region.
Apply it twice daily. Keep it until it gets dry and wipe it off with warm water.
Valuka sveda
Ruksasvedam, with dry husk or kulattham (economical) for 20 minutes or until sweat appears.
Oil should not be applied for first few days.
Once the acute phase is over Samana snehapanam
Gandha tailam –
Dhanvantaram 101 –
Ksirabala 101 –
Bala tailam –
Guggulutiktakam – –
Varanadi ghrtam –
Asavas / aristas
Balaristam – –
Devadaru aristam –
Varanadi aristam –
Guggulu tiktaka aristam –
Tailam can be applied
Kottancukkadi tailam
Prasaranyadi tailam
Karpasastyadi tailam
Dhanvantara tailam
Masa tailam
Sahacaradi tailam
Prabanjana tailam (all usna virya) are used externally.
Ksirabala tailam- rasnadi curnam
Siro virecana gana oil can also be used in kapha related conditions .in Brmhana phase kshirabala is applied.
Based on sutram urdhva jathru vikaresu nisl “ guggulutiktakam or
varanadi ghrtam can be given 5 to 10 ml slightly melted in half glass of
milk at bedtime.
To strengthen the nerve roots Asvagandaristam or Balaristam 25 ml can be given twice a day after food.
Parijatak – Slipped Disc Treatment in Nagpur. Slipped disc can be
termed with other descriptive names, whether your doctor calls it
herniated disc or PIVD or bulged disc, it all means the same thing.
Slipped disc is when one of the discs in between the vertebral bodies
starts slipping towards the anterior or posterior. While pain is
obvious, slipped disc can also cause difficulties in body movements.
Slipped Disc Treatment in Nagpur
A natural and non-surgical method of treating slipped disc is to opt
for Ayurvedic therapies. The ancient science of Ayurveda has a rather
interesting explanation of the condition. It believes that slipped disc
is a cumulative effect of disorders happening at three levels. In
Ayurveda, these three levels are Masta Dhatu as in muscles, Asthi Dhatu
or bones and Majja Dhatu or what lies in between the two. Throwing more
light on the causes of the condition, owing to poor diet, reckless
lifestyle or accident, the curvature of the spinal cord starts to
deteriorate. That causes the intervertebral discs to degenerate and that
in turn has a drying effect on the muscles which contracts and stiffens
in response. Slipped Disc Treatment in Nagpur
Parijatak and similar other clinics have taken the lead in the city
of Nagpur to treat slipped disc condition through a combination of
ayurvedic therapies. Names of a few such slipped disc treatments in Nagpur are:
Abyanga Swedam
Choornapinda Swedam
Each of these therapies work towards healing inflammatory changes.
Adjustment therapies like oil massage releases spasms and even
decompresses nerves. Such slipped disc treatment in Nagpur
has proven to not only relieve the patients from the constant pain and
discomfort, but also strengthen the supportive tissues that lay around
the vertebral column.
See also Slip disc cure completely by Kerala Panchkarma
The public in general , scientific , professional community, seems to
be largely convienced with traditionality and possible scientific
validity of the principles and approaches of Ayurveda as logical life
sciences and as a healing modality. Traditional practices in ayurveda
such as Panchkarma have become so popular that our Parijatak Kerala
Ayurvedic Panchkarma Centre regularly report waiting lists for patients
not only in India but also from abroad specially for Back Pain, slipped
disc, paralysis, avoid knee replacement with rejuvnation ,
detoxification, weight loss.
Ayurveda is not merely a science but it is a science of life. We
always focusing on indivisuals all problames not on disease which
patient complant to sort out complete cure with cause & concerned
factors that is Anshansh Kalpana . In states disease as a condition in
which body and mind are subjected to pain and misery. The measures
adopted to bring back equilibrium is called chikitsa . Chikitsa types :
Shodhana is a procedure which involves the elimination of vitiated
doshas in a complete manner, and thus recurrence of diseases is avoided
like back pain or any diseases. Shamana is the palliative treatment as
it does not eliminate vitiated doshas but only subsides them in there
own place called as shaman ,It is believed that there is no possibility
of relapse of the disease cured by shodhana chikitsa, where as the
diseases cured by shamana may recur, we are providing back pain
specialisation in India
Panchkarma is a unique modality of treatment consists of vamana ,
virechana , anuvasana vasthi , niruha vasthi , nasya karma ,
raktamokshana . Out of the above five karmas, Vasthi is the most
important constituent of panchkarma due to its multifocal effects. As
per the physiology of Ayurveda , Vata is the main factor where as pitta
& kapha are dependent on vata for their fuctions to be performed. (
पित्त पंगु कफ पंगु पंगवो मल धातव: )
Vasthi alleviates the morbid doshas and in addition to that, it
nourishes the body tissues. It is considered as the best remedy for
morbid vata as well as in some extent pitta & kapha also. Vyadhi
pratyeneeka Medicines can be used in the form of basti to treat that
particular vyadhi. This particular procedure cures diseases of all
doshas of all the three margas namely, shakha, koshta and the marmasthi
sandhi & it completely destroys the vitiated vata dosha by entering
into its moolasthana ( roots of vata & bones is pakvashaya / large
intestine ) which is responsible for all diseases, thus said to be ardha
chikitsa in all specially in back pian.
Complete cure for – Back Pain – Infertility – Impotency – Slipped Disc – Spondilitis
Both samshodhana & samshamana effects and even performs the fuction of :
Restoration of shukra
Brimhana in emaciated persons
Karshana in obese persons
Improvement of vision preventing ageing process
Improvement in lusterBack Pain / Spondilitis / Slipped Disc
Strength and helpful for longevity
It has very vide application
Back Pain
Practicle Indication :
Neurological Problames
Rheumatoid syndrome and other Arthritis
LBA of varied etiology
Peripheral Vascular Disorders
Gastro intestinal disorders
Urogenital disorders
Infertility & Sterility – men and women
Back pain
spondilitis / slipped disc
ankiolysing spondilitis
insomnia / stress / Depression
Vasthi karma possesses a unique among Panchkarma as it is used for
Curing almost diseases in general and Vatha diseases in particular in
our Parijatak Kerala Ayurvedic Panchkarma Centre which best ayurvedic
treatment centre with best ayurvedic doctor ,under observation of all
parameters. Various types of vasthikarma based on therapeutic action ,
precaution to be taken and complications likely to occur during the
procedure etc. but it is observed that important procedure is not being
practiced in many ayurvedic hospitals in india in its full sense manner
due to lack of practicle experience and loss of confidence in its
Vastikarma is the procedure by which the medicine in suspension /
decoction / oil / ksheerpaka / mezhupakam are directly administered to
the lower gastro intestinal tract through anus / genital tract with the
help of an instruments called as vasthikarma standardised at our
Parijatak Kerala Ayurvedic Panchkarma Hospital with our best ayurvedic
doctor team in concern complete kerala oil therapy & Kerala
Panchkarma with Kerala Therapist which rae experts in there field.
Used in quick action to produce the desired effect is also called as ARDHCHIKITSA for all diseases ( half treatment )
In todays practice allopathic hospitals using soap water enema to remove the faecus/ constipation. Combination of some Vasthi with Uses :
3 gm each musta , guduchi , Eranda, bala, rasna, Punarnava,
Manjistha, Aragwadha, Brahmi, Katuki, Shalaparni, Brihati, Kantakari,
Gokshura, Madanphala are boiled with 1000ml of water are reduced to 250
ml. then 500ml of milk is added to 250 ml of kwatha reduced to 500 ml
6 gm of each yashtimadhu , satahva, syama, kutaja , rasanjana are powdered and used as kalka
Sneha vasthi : Taila 180 ml to 240 ml with 5 gm saindhava
Matra Vasthi : Taila – 60 – 90 ml with 5 gm saindhava
Always given after food ( should not be empty stomach )
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Cervical Disc Bulge In Central India.
The bones (vertebrae) that form the spine in your back are cushioned
by round, flat discs. When these discs are healthy, they act as shock
absorbers for the spine and keep the spine flexible. If they become
damaged, they may bulge abnormally or break open (rupture), in what is
called a herniated or slipped disc. Herniated discs can occur in any
part of the spine, but they are most common in the neck (cervical) and
lower back (lumbar) spine. The seven vertebrae between the head and the
chest make up the cervical spine.
A herniated disc usually is caused by wear and tear of the disc (also
called disc degeneration). As we age, our discs lose some of the fluid
that helps them stay flexible. A herniated disc also may result from
injuries to the spine, which may cause tiny tears or cracks in the outer
layer (annulus or capsule) of the disc. The jellylike material
(nucleus) inside the disc may be forced out through the tears or cracks
in the capsule, which causes the disc to bulge, break open (rupture), or
break into fragments.
Herniated discs are much more common in people who smoke.
Although a Cervical herniated disc may originate from some sort of
trauma or injury to the cervical spine, the symptoms develop commonly
start spontaneously.
The pain in the arm from a cervical herniated disc results because
the herniated disc material ”pinches” or presses over a cervical nerve,
causing pain to radiate along the nerve pathway down the arm.
Symptoms Of Cervical Disc Herniation
Along with the arm pain, numbness and tingling can be present down the arm and into the fingertips.
Muscle weakness may also be present due to a cervical herniated disc.
The two most common levels in the cervical spine herniated disc are
the C5- C6 level(cervical 5 and Cervical 6) and the C6-C7 level. The
next most common are the C4-C5, and rarely the C7- T1 level may
Brachial neuralgia is a radiating pain n the shoulders and upper arm
caused by damage to a nerve in the neck. When it occurs in the left
arm, it may be mistaken as a heart attack symptom, causing great concern
to the patient.
There are treatment options available for brachial neuralgia, and a
patient may meet with physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, and
neurologists in the process of evaluating and treating the pain.
it is important o be aware that some treatments may take the time to
work, and the process of finding a solution can sometimes be lengthy.
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Cervical Disc Bulge In Central India
Vata Kapha Hara Treatment
Ayurvedic Medicines For Cervical Disc Bulge In Central India
Ashtavargam Kashayam
Ashtavargam Kashayam is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine in liquid
form. It is based on Kerala Ayurveda practice. It is also known as
Ashtavarga Kashayam, Ashtavarga kashaya etc. Ashtavargam kashayam benefits:
It is used in the treatment of Vata diseases like joint diseases, bloating, arthritis, rheumatism etc. Pathya:
Light food is to be taken. Astavargam Kashayam Ingredients:
Bala – Sida rotusa / Sida cordifolia
Sahachara – Strobilanthes ciliatus
Eranda – Ricinus communis
Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata
Devadaru – Cedrus deodara
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo
Garlic Ashtavargam Kashayam reference: Sahasra Yoga Kashaya prakarana 15 – 17 Dosage: 60 ml two times a day before food
Karpasasthyadi Thailam
Karpasasthyadi Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil used in the treatment of
paralysis, facial palsy, spondylosis and other neuro-muscular
conditions caused due to Vata imbalance. This oil is formulated based on
Kerala Ayurveda practice. Karpasa asthi means cotton seed, which is the
first ingredient of this oil. Karpasasthyadi Thailam uses:
It is useful in neuromuscular conditions like hemiplegia, paraplegia, facial palsy, spondylosis etc. Karpasasthyadi Tailam ingredients:
Karpasa asthi – cottton seed – Gossypium herbaceum – 768 g
Bala – Sida cordifolia – 768 g
Masha – Black gram – Phaseolus radiatus – 768 g
Kulattha – Dolichos biflorus – 76
Water for decoction – 12.288 ml, boiled and reduced to 3.072 liters.
16 g of fine powder of
Devadaru – Cedrus deodara
Bala – Sida cordifolia
Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata
Kushta – Saussurea lappa
Sarshapa – Mustard – Brassica juncea
Nagara – Ginger – Zingiber officinalis
Shatahva – Anethum sowa
Pippalimoola – Piper longum (root)
Chavya – Piper chaba
Shigru – Moringa oleifera
Punarnava – Boerhaavia diffusa
Taila – Sesame oil – Sesamum indicum – 768 ml
Ajaksheera – Goat milk – 768 ml Reference: Sahasra Yoga Taila yoga prakarana 11 Dosage: 10 Drops with milk at night
Nagaradi choornam
Indication: Effective in traumatic inflammatory swelling, bone, ligament and tendon injury. Ingredients:
Manikkunthirikka Dosage: For lepam
Prabhanjana Vimardanam
Prabhanjana Vimardanam Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil, used to treat
abscess with pain, hernia, abdominal pain, backache etc. It is used for
external application. This oil is based on Kerala Ayurveda principle. Prabhanjana Vimardanam Tailam Uses:
It is used to treat abscess due to Vata, hernia, abdominal colic,
facial palsy, neuromuscular conditions due to Vata imbalance and
backache. Important in sarvanga vata [paraplegia]. Very effective if
applied externally in pounding pain, pricking pain, numbness, and loss
of strength. Controls rheumatism. For quick relief, use warm. Prabhanjana Vimardanam Tailam ingredients:
25.6 grams of each of
Bala – Sida cordifolia
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
Shigru – Moringa oleifera
Varuna – Crataeva nurvala
Arka – Calotropis procera
karanja – Pongamia pinnata
Eranda – Ricinus ccommunis
Koranta (sahachara) – Barleria prionitis
Vajigandha – Withania somnifera
Prasarini – Paedaria foetida
Bilva – Aegle marmelos
Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum
Gambhari – Gmelina arborea
Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens
Agnimantha – Premna corymbosa
water for decoction – 24.576 liters, boiled and reduced to 6.144 liters, filtered.
Taila – Oil of Sesamum indicum – 1.536 liters
ksheera – cow milk – 3.072 liters
Dadhi – Curds – 1.536 liters
Kanjika – 1.536 liters
Paste prepared with fine powders of 12 grams of each of –
Tagara – Valeriana wallichi
Amarakashta – Cedrus deodara
Ela – Elettaria cardamomum
Shunti – Ginger – Zingiber officinalis
Sarshapa – Mustard – Brassica juncea
Choraka – Angelica glauca
Shatahva – Anethum sowa
Kushta – Saussurea lappa
Sindhuttha – Rock sakt
Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata
Kalanusarika – Fenugreek – Trigonella foenum-graecum
Vacha – Acorus calamus
Chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica
Mamsi – Nardostachys jatamansi
Sarala – Pinus roxburghi
Katurohini – Picrorhiza kurroa Reference: Sahasrayoga Tailayoga Prakarana – 5 Dosage: For external applications In 2nd Phase:
Prasarinyadi Kashayam
Prasarinyadi Kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine used to treat joint
pains and Vata diseases. It is herbal decoction. It is also available in
Kashayam tablet form. This medicine is based on Kerala Ayurveda
Principle. Prasarinyadi kashayam benefits:
It is mainly used in the Ayurvedic treatment of joint pain, musculoskeletal problems.
It is traditionally used in treating frozen shoulder and cervical spondylosis, headache.
Prasarinyadi kashayam ingredients:
Herbal decoction is prepared from 10 grams of each of
Prasarini – Merremia tridentata
Masha – Black gram – Vigna mundo
Bala – Sida cordifolia
Rasona – Garlic – Alium cepa
Rasna – Alpinia galanga
Oushadha – Ginger – Zingiber officinalis Reference: Sahasrayoga, kashaya prakarana, Vatahara Kashaya 59. Dosage: 50 ml once in a day after food can be administered
Amavata- means accumulation of Ama (apakwa rasa) in joints leads to the disease called as Amavata.
This is very painful condition of arthritis.
Ama- Viated dosha causes agnimandya (sluggish diagestion).Due to
agnimandya the diagestive juice which was formed was Apakwa (unproperly
diagested/immature). This apakwa rasa goes through the circulation in
all over tissue and body organs. As it is immature tissue can take it
but can not metabolise it .Therefore it remains as it is in cell.This
Ama was sticky in nature.It blocked the all small channels in the body
due to this body cells and tissues do not get proper nutrition. And
this leads to the multiple damage of organs and tissues.
Viruddha ahar sevan
Ati guru ahar sevan-Heavy food
Atibhojan/Ajirnashana- Intake of food in very much quantity or intake of food befor its diagestion
Mandagni-sluggish diagestion
Avyayama-Lack of exersice
Nischala-sedentory life style
Snigdha,madhur bhojanam-intake of oily food and sweet things
Diwaswap-Day sleeping
Intake of fermented food
Due to all mentioned causes ama is formed in body.The viated Vata
pushes this ama to all over the body through blood circulation.This
viated vata pushes this ama mainly in to the shleshma sthana(kapha
Pradesh) i.e in joints and muscles.This viated vata and kapha was
combined with morbid pitta which cause the further corrosing of ama
.This corrosive ama destroys any tissue and organs with which it comes
in to contact.
Pre dormal Signs And Symptoms(Purvaroopa)
Aruchi-tastelessness,lack of appetite
Trishna-excessive thirst
Aalasya-loss of energy,lethargy
Gaurava-body heaviness
Shunyata-swelling over joints
Muscle and joint aches
Main Signs and symptoms-
Saruja shopha-Painful swelling over the all joints
Vrishikadanshavata vedana-Pricking sensation injoints
Praseka-excessive salivation
Utsaha hani-lack of enthusiasm
Daaha-burning sensation in joints
Bahumutrata-increased frequency of urine
Shool-pain in all over body
Kukshi kathinya—Hardness of abdomen
Stiffness of joints, especially during morning hours (morning stiffness)
Also, during flares joints becomes warm, red and swollen. The small joints of both hands and wrists are usually involved. Tests- Blood tests-ESR RA Factor X-ray of Joint Management Of RA With Ayurveda
Modern science has no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis. The role
of treatment in RA is to reduce joint inflammation and pain, maximize
joint function and prevent joint destruction and deformity.
Physical therapy has no curative effect for arthritis nor does it
alter the course of the disease process. The objectives of physical
therapy are analgesia, maintenance of normal ranges of motion in
involved joints, maintenance of normal power in muscles involved,
protection of joints against additional trauma that might result in
further structural deterioration / deformity. Amavata: The Ayurvedic Correlation To Rheumatoid Arthritis
In Ayurveda, the clinical correlation of RA is Amavata. The following
line of treatment is explained in the classical Ayurvedic texts for
Langhana (Fasting)
Shodhana chikitsa (purification of the body)-Done by Panchkarma
Shamana chikitsa (treatment to reduce symptoms)-Done with Using medicines
Hyper means overactive.Overactive functioning of thyroid gland is known as
hyprthyroidism.In this disease thyroid gland releases too much of thyroid
Anatomy-Thyroid gland is butterfly shaped.It is located in neck region,below
Adam’s Apple. These secreates thyroid harmone which helps in body
metabolism These harmone affects heart rate ,muscles,bones,menstrual
cycle and functioning of other harmones.
Hyperthyroidism can be related to Graves’ disease. This is an autoimmune
disease that affects the thyroid gland. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
weight loss.
heart rate or abnormal heart rate
anxiety, or touchiness.
Tremors of
hands and fingers
sensitivity to heat.
menses ith irregular flow
Changes inbowel
enlarged thyroid gland
Mostly hyperthyroidism is caused by Graves’ disease. Two other common causes
for hyperthyroidism are:
(overactive) thyroid nodules causes formation of One or more nodules or
lumps in the thyroid gland which increases the production of the
thyroid hormone.
Inflammation of thyroid gland due to ttack of viruses. This causes extra
thyroid hormone to leak into your bloodstream
According to Ayurveda, due to vitiation doshas,agni become
impaired.(Digestive fire) which leads to stroto-avarodh( blockage of
small channels) results in unproper functioning of thyroid gland.
Hyperthyroidism occurs due to vitiation of vata and pitta doshas. Impaired vayu
and pitta go into various channels and systems of the body and cause the
disease. The two vitiated doshasoverstimulate the gastric fire which leads to
excessive hunger. Over stimulation of Vata results in tremors in the extremities,
sleeplessness, nervousness and difficulty to concentrate the mind.
Virechan with Nishottar and triphala can help in treating hormonal imbalance
Bast- Basti with dashmool decoction and errand dashmoolasnehaulters the
Nasya- Nasya with ksheerbala and panchendriyavardhan tail helps in hormonal
imbalancing. Medicines-
Excessive sweating and heat intolerance -KamdudhaRas, Praval-Panchamrut,
Praval-Bhasma, Chandrakala-Ras and Sutshekhar-Ras are used
increase bowel movement -Kutaj-Parpati, Panchamrut-Parpati and
Bilva-Avelaha are used .
Fatigue and muscular weakness- Makardhwaj, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant,
Kharjur-Manth, Drakshasav and Lohasav can be used
Mentrual cycle regulartion-Yograj-Guggulu, Boladi-Vati, Kumaryasav and
Gandharva-Haritaki are used
Nervousness, tremor and anxiety-Brahmi, Jatamansi, Shankhpushpi,
Sarpagandha, Saraswatarishta and Dashmoolarishta are used
Medicines used to treat Grave’s Disease or inflammation of theThyroid Gland— Arogya-Vardhini, Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu,
Triphala-Guggulu, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Maha-Manjishthadi-Qadha, Amalaki
(Emblicaofficinalis), Haritaki (Terminaliachebula), Behada
(Terminaliabellerica), Kanchnaar (Bauhinia variegata), Saariva
(Hemidesmusindicus), Usheer (Vetiveriazizanioidis), Chandan (Santalum album),
Nimba (Azadirachtaindica), Guduchi (Tinosporacordifolia) and Gokshur
For Immunity-Shatavari,Aswagandha,Bala,Nagbalarasayan can be used.
Meditation, Pranayama and Yogasanas play a vital role in maintaining thyroid health.
Yoga therapy for the Vishuddha or fifth throat chakra helps to heal the thyroid
gland.Chanting of ‘Om’ while meditating balances thyroid function. Sheetali,
Sheetkari, NadiShodhan, Bhramari, and UjjayiPranayam, and practice of asanas
like Suryanamaskar at slow pace, shoulder stand(Sarvangasana), plough
(Halasana), fish(matsyasana), and lion poses are beneficial